Elevate Your Legal Strategy with Customizable Medical Summaries

Our team of medico-legal experts meticulously analyze case details, uncovering nuanced value drivers often overlooked, such as myelopathy, myelomalacia, and spondylolisthesis.

Recovered $1 MILLION for our client instead of settling for $25,000

How it functions to deliver value

Sumify helps lawyers save time and be super smart! Our short and special summaries help with cases, talking to clients, and even in court.

Medical Records

Gather all your important medical records securely with our HIPAA-compliant portal, powered by the trusted Salesforce.

Easily handle case files, track summary progress, and seek assistance through your personalized account whenever you need it. Experience seamless control and peace of mind

Elevate Strategy With KQI's

At Sumify, our skilled doctors go beyond simple summaries. They dig deep into records, uncovering hidden treasures we call Key Quantum Indicators (KQIs).

These gems turn small cases big and big cases into huge successes, boosting figures and outcomes significantly.

Unlock the Expertise

Unlock unparalleled medical expertise with our seasoned team of professionals. With over a decade of experience, our experts, including surgeons, registered nurses, and physicians, bring a unique blend of medical and legal knowledge to deliver insightful medical reviews, not just mechanical ones.

We excel in crafting precise medical chronologies, timelines, demand letters, deposition summaries, and a range of medico-legal services.

Elevate Your Productivity with Sumify: Here's Why You Need It

Path to Excellence

Imagine how a single pivotal fact can be the catalyst that propels a 5-figure case into the 6-figure or propels a 6-figure case into a 7-figure territory. While certain value-driving factors might be immediately apparent, such as evident disc herniations, it’s the inconspicuous ones like myelopathy, myelomalacia, and spondylolisthesis that hold remarkable potential. Identifying these hidden gems that possess the unique ability to skyrocket your case’s value, turning what might seem ordinary into extraordinary outcomes.

Speed up Your Progress

Discover the power of Sumify’s personalized summaries that effortlessly propel you into the heart of a case, while also affording you the remarkable capability to delve deep into critical appointments. Through the utilization of meticulously bates stamped page references, you gain access to a treasure trove of significance. Imagine a scenario where every moment counts, such as when an accident victim asserts a back injury claim. With Sumify, your legal prowess is magnified, your insights are amplified, and your success is elevated

What Sets Us Apart

Transform customer feedback into exceptional value. Unlike any other company in the market, we are dedicated to extracting maximum value from every piece of your customer input. Our unique approach focuses on delivering summaries that precisely cater to your thirst for value, a distinction that sets us apart. We go a step further. Sumify understands your craving for seamless experiences and rapidity. That’s why we’ve crafted summaries designed exclusively to address your need for convenience and speed, a feature that remains unmatched in the industry.

You’re in great company

Transform customer feedback into exceptional value. Unlike any other company in the market, we are dedicated to extracting maximum value from every piece of your customer input. Our unique approach focuses on delivering summaries that precisely cater to your thirst for value, a distinction that sets us apart. We go a step further. Sumify understands your craving for seamless experiences and rapidity. That’s why we’ve crafted summaries designed exclusively to address your need for convenience and speed, a feature that remains unmatched in the industry.

“My client stopped treating on her own and wanted to settle her case. She was diagnosed with myelopathy, which is a surgical condition. This is a term that many people might overlook. However, because Sumify made me aware of the term, I was able to explain to my client the possible implications of this condition, I was able to persuade my client not to settle. Had she settled at that time, she would have received less than $25,000. We eventually recovered $1,000,000 for her.”

You’re in great company

Sumify has a team of doctors and nurses on staff with various specialities ranging from home health to the operating room.

Sumify’s team of doctors and nurses have more than a decade’s experience in reviewing medical records for personal injury, medical malpractice, and mass tort matters. The team has expertise in the medical and legal field that enable us to perform an insightful medical review

Yes, we offer a custom-built, HIPAA-compliant CRM powered by Salesforce offering access control, platform encryption, and event monitoring.

We are well-versed in drafting medical chronologies, medical timelines, demand letters, deposition summaries, and various other medico-legal services.

Typically, 20-40 pages per hour are summarized. This may vary depending on the type of records.

Sumify will create an account, and the client will receive login credentials through email. If necessary, we provide demos and on-demand onboarding sessions.

A percentage of the client’s first invoiceable summary is donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Center.

1765 O’Neal Ln #175 Baton Rouge, LA 70816


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